Around the world, millions of people are living with and impacted by dementia.  

And yet, dementia continues to be surrounded by a fear-,
shame- and stigma-filled
“cone of silence” that impacts us all

Together, we can, we must and we will: 

Shatter the silence about dementia

Creatively transform the journey of dementia for everyone

Build a world (and systems of care) in which diagnosis
is not the end of life, but a starting point for joy,
humanity, growth and new possibilities.

The Reimagining Dementia Coalition is TAKING IT TO THE STREETS!

Taking It to the Streets
is an initiative led by Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice.

It calls on its 1000 plus members and other concerned individuals and organizations to host public-facing events, activities, and conversations that present a creative alternative to the fear, stigma and hopelessness
surrounding dementia.

In 2024, our theme was “Why We Bother,” which grows out of a conversation among Coalition members about showing the world why we are committed to creating a world that promotes belonging, community, creativity, joy and the possibility of growth for everyone impacted by dementia.

What you can do to get involved in Taking It to the Streets

The Taking It to the Streets campaign is taking place
September 21 (World Alzheimer’s Day) through October 21*

  1. Host a public-facing event, activity and/or conversation of whatever size and duration. (See below for some event/activity ideas).

  2. Register your event/activities using this form so we can share them on our events page.

  3. Incorporate the campaign into existing activities and events you may already have planned.

  4. Work with partners, including Reimagining Dementia Coalition members in your area, dementia and non-dementia related organizations, university departments, community clinics, libraries and arts and cultural organizations (circus community, mask/theater groups, choruses, ballets, etc.).

  5. Include the Taking It to the Streets logo on all event-related materials and communications, so it is clear all activities are happening under the umbrella of the global campaign launched by the Coalition.

  6. Distribute materials about the Coalition and Reimagining Dementia to all participants. Download our information sheet.

  7. And, wherever possible, show a one-minute thank-you video created by the Coalition to attendees (not yet available).

  8. Share the campaign and encourage others to be involved in whatever ways they can, using this social media toolkit as a guide.

  9. Tag #reimaginingdementia, #RDCtakingittothestreets, #shatteringthesilence in your social media and other communications.

  10. Approach local/regional media about the campaign.

    *If you are unable to host something during September 21 - October 21, you are welcome to do so during the fall.

As much as possible, we ask that events, activities and conversations:

  • Reach individuals and communities who aren’t generally included in the dementia conversation.

  • Take place in public spaces (outside and inside).

  • Promote the global reimagining dementia movement.

  • Be interactive, playful, creative, and welcoming/accessible to people of all ages, life circumstances and physical abilities.

  • Introduce “taking reimagining dementia to the streets” to the organizations, institutions, faith communities (and more) you’re part of.

Event and activity ideas

Though we ask our members, partners and supporters to do something, what you do is up to you/your organization(s). Here are some ideas:

  • Playful environments that bring people of all ages/abilities together.

  • Parade and/or pop-up performances in your community.

  • Public art gallery/exhibition showcasing the creative abilities of people living with dementia.

  • Intergenerational arts spaces where people living with dementia and young people can dance and move, make music, develop a play, write poetry, or create art together that challenges the stigma associated with dementia.

  • Film night or festival, filmed theater performances and other creative projects.

  • Activities and events that connect long-term care homes (staff, residents and family/friends) to the broader community.


Register your event using this form so we can add it to our events page

If you are a member of the media, host a podcast and/or author a blog, contact us for information and interviews.

Download the Call to Action Download our information sheet

What you can do to support the campaign any time during the year

  • Share Reimagining Dementia Coalition’s
    Let’s Reimagine song and video with friends,
    family and colleagues.

  • Sign our petition to help us reimagine dementia.

  • Ask your local, regional and national elected officials
    and civic leaders to issue a proclamation in support
    of Let’s Reimagine, and sign our petition.

  • Help fund this global campaign with a donation.
    Whatever you give will make a difference!

  • Whatever else your imagination comes up with!  

Support our efforts to Reimagine Dementia - Sign the Petition!

Please note: While we appreciate that asks signers to "chip in" to help them promote the petition,
the Coalition requests that you make
a donation to the campaign so that we can continue reaching people
around the world.

Ikebana Art from Japan

View the
2023/2024 events

Ikebana Art from Japan

Our members Taking It to the Streets!

Video showcasing various works of Ikebana artwork from Japan that was featured for the Taking It to the Streets Campaign.


Living Words founder Susanna Howard spent time with friends at Hythe Dementia Forum during the campaign week, to raise awareness about the 'Taking It To The Streets' campaign. The forum has made a display about the campaign and Living Words' work with the forum at 101 The High Street, Hythe, Kent, UK. 


Living Words in-community work with the Forum, in particular with those living with a dementia and their relatives/family carers, has developed over many years. Living Words supports Hythe Dementia Forum (c.2015) in their ongoing mission to make Hythe one of the most dementia friendly and aware towns in the South-East. 

During a Table Talk session in New York, Rebecca Wellner and Alice Rydel asked people to reimagine and break the stigma of dementia. Their words were used to create the following poem:

Reimagining Dementia Poem

We’ll put the memories together over coffee

Feelings and ideas with roots

Living in the moment with strength

A gentle touch

We are all equals

Another place in the sun

Help us sing to remember



Love exists


one day

a cure

and there will be no struggle



a hug a day

is best

to keep it away

Been there

done that

It’s retro

to reimagine

to remember

what really matters

Become the love you’d like to receive

There’s only one you to add to the world

Any day above ground is beautiful

As long as you have hope

Just another me

We accept the love we think we deserve

I love this version of you

It’s so worth it

Dangle & dot Take It to the Streets!

Forget-Me-Not Penang Dementia Awareness Day 2022

Community based dementia awareness campaign with the theme celebrating Our Heritage, creating an all inclusive Community on September 2, 2022. About 150 people participated from all walks of life and from various generations. Activities included intergenerational cat walk, dancing a traditional folk dance, sing a long to traditional folk songs, awareness talks, making traditional goodies etc. It was a fun filled event for all! Penang Dementia Association

During a Beeston Studio Days Out event at Wollaton Park, UK, musicians (Lizzie Morris, Patrick Jordan and Sylvia Berry) performed at the picnic lunch for thirteen couples affected by dementia.

On Thursday 21st Sept. in support of World Alzheimer's Day 2023 bold: Bringing out Leaders in Dementia were #reimaginingdementia by screening Willy Gilder's 'Unheard Voices' at the Cameo Cinema, Edinburgh as part of the #takingittothestreets campaign. ‘Unheard Voices’ is a bold (bringing out leaders in dementia) series of films from ‘retired’ radio journalist Willy Gilder who realised “The voices of people with dementia are rarely heard and they deserve to be’. Willy, who lives with Alzheimer’s, set off around Scotland interviewing his peers living with dementia, talking about themselves, their lives, and what they would like people to know about their condition demonstrating that diagnosis is not the end of life, but a starting point for joy, humanity, growth & new possibilities. 

Rave film reviews for Willy Gilder's bold 'Unheard Voices': 

“I see hope & humour in these films”.

“These films show there is a life to be lived after diagnosis”.

“What an important, powerful and human screening.”

“I was unexpectedly moved by sharing my films... that it might mean something meant a lot to me.” - Willy Gilder

You can watch the films at:

Community GROWS (Gathering, Reaching Out, We Strengthen) Camp was held on Saturday, 14 October at Camp Long in West Seattle. Our day camp experience included a creative poetry / word-play project, community building games and challenges, exploring and learning in the woods on a seasonally topical theme, and a closing circle by a fire sharing poetry and impressions of the day.

Folks also contributed thoughts on two questions:

~How do you cultivate joy, hope, and wonder?

~In your wildest dreams what does a reimagined world living with memory loss look like?

The participants (people living with memory loss and family / friends) reported a high degree of positive impact as a result of the program, and challenge course instructors and naturalists had the opportunity to work with Dementia-Friendly Recreation and community members living with memory loss for the first time.

The So Many Beauties Collective works with people living with dementia and their carers to create new pieces of music performed by some of the UK’s finest musicians. They held a musical event in September 2023 as part of the Taking It to the Streets campaign. Listen to the recording below:

Mary Fridley, Coordinator, Reimagining Dementia:
A Creative Coalition for Justice speaks with Host Linda Burhans “The Gal Who Cares For The Caregivers” about the Taking It To the Streets campaign.