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Changing the culture of dementia: A cross-Canadian conversation

Thursday, June 16th 2022
12pm ET
11am CT
10am MT
9am PT

Please use the Time zone converter to check your local time.

This hour-long event is co-sponsored by the Hamilton Council on Aging (HCA) and Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice (RDC) and is open to any and all Canadians passionate about making our country more inclusive and fully dementia-friendly!

We’ll see and hear more about two bold new campaigns – “Faces of Dementia” (HCA) and Let’s Reimagine (RDC) – both of which feature inspiring videos that are a “must-see” for everyone who wants to transform the practices and policies of dementia.

This is a great opportunity to meet new people and continue fostering collaboration from coast to coast to coast as we continue to move Canada forward together, so please invite friends and colleagues (especially those who may not be familiar with either/both campaigns).

 Click to register

June 2

Malaysia Song/Video Launch

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