
A speaking expert once said,

“If you’re 70 years old,

your parent has passed from Alzheimer’s

and you’ve been diagnosed with it also,

take the medications offered.”


I was close to 70

My dad had passed from AD

And I’d just heard the words

I never expected to hear—

“You have early on-set Alzheimer’s.”


My thought … Golly Gee Whiz!

or more to truth isshit-oh-dear!

(Can I even say that in here?!)


Cannot simply sit back

and let this thing happen!

I need to fight—

Hard and gutsy to see.

Need to share my story,

combined with yours.

Communication is key!


Not any expert,

just plain ole’ Nan-cy.

Never owned the first title

and then I get a second one.

Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Not owning it either.

I won’t hush up.

Sit down.

Or, be still.

No-o-o Can Do!


What we need is

some faith, 

lotsa hope, and

that each person is allowed dignity

—folks living with dementia,

their loving care partners,

family, and friends.

The numbers are mounting!


Strings of faith and hope

transcend farther

than our eyes can see

the mind can track

or the voices can be heard.

typewriter with paper

It is the unseen tie that binds

it’s a feeling of inclusion 

the nod of approval

acceptance for where we are

and who we are becoming.


Kindly hear …

nothing about us,

without us.

We are worthy to be heard.


It’s far better than being an anchor

thrown overboard,

sinking deep,

gulping for air,

in need of substantial care,

feeling alone and lonely,

just waiting for someone else

to pull us up.


Instead … let’s

reframe and reimagine

our own individual personal spaces

by daring to “do” dementia different.

by becoming a collective body

to reckon with.


Create intention.

Set a declaration

with a sparkle, a smile

and open arms

for there is power in words,

a willingness to engage change.


One inquisitive ear

begets another




Gathering momentum is …

what we want.

what we need.

what we believe.

what we can achieve.


Together in 2023.

By Nancy Nelson


Mona's Hairbrush


Global Play Brigade